Mentor Program

Be a Mentor

Become a mentor and share your knowledge and advice with other Embry-Riddle alumni or students by contacting the Office of Alumni Engagement. When you become a mentor, you can help shape student success. You can assist by offering:

  • Information about your career field.
  • Advice and insight about graduate school.
  • Relocation advice (for alumni or students moving to your area).
  • Internship or job-shadowing opportunities at your place of employment.

View our Mentoring Guide for alumni mentoring best practices. Thank you for serving the Eagle community and your alma mater in this meaningful way!

Consider joining one of our philanthropy councils, Women's Giving Circle, Military Council or Flight Society, where you can work with students in a particular college or affinity group. 

Alumni Mentoring Practices at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

  • Assure your mentee that the relationship is private and requires a mutual commitment.
  • Request a copy of their class schedule so you can understand their work load and time commitments.
  • Know if they work. If so, what is their work schedule?
  • Plan your conversations around their school schedule and work load. For example, plan to chat every other Monday, once a month, etc.
  • Share your life experiences in a professional manner and teach by example.
  • Learn their aspirations and future goals.
  • Be genuinely interested in helping them achieve their goals.
  • Assist them in finding scholarships, internships, job posts, etc. that fit their interest.
  • Introduce them to folks in your network.
  • Send cards, texts, or e-mails of encouragement periodically.
  • Be sure they know they can use you as a sounding board.
  • Acknowledge and celebrate their achievements.
  • Ask before you offer advice. Sometimes students just want to let off some “steam,” so all they want is someone to listen.
  • Be accessible and assure your student knows they can talk to you anytime.
  • Be supportive and assertive with your mentee.
  • Be constructive. Build your student up by using the positive qualities you know about them.
  • Forgive them and yourself if the relationship gets off track.
  • If the relationship needs to end, make sure it ends in a positive and uplifting manner.